Breathe Like A KING 👑

The 1% Club

If you want to be a king, then you need to start breathing like one.

Now, most of you are probably shocked when I am saying this.

You need to start breathing less.

You're probably thinking, "Won't I suffocate?"

Don't be silly. We are breathing too fast.

Isn't it funny, when you do a 5-second inhale and 8-9 second exhale, you feel so much more calm and relaxed?

It's funny, and it's true.

As a man, our breath is extremely powerful.

However, due to our upbringing, we've been programmed to not breathe properly.

95% of your life. You've been breathing wrong.

The average breath is shallow, and not intentional.

You probably became more aware of your breath because you are reading this. I can say the same as well.

This is how we need to breathe. With intention.

Breathe intentionally.

Every minute, as a man, you should inhale-exhale 5–6 times a minute. This is scientifically proven.

In his book 'Breath', James Nestor has a whole chapter dedicated to explaining the science of breath, and why we need to breathe slower.

1 inhale-exhale cycle should last 10 seconds. The inhale should be slightly shorter than the exhalation.

That is how deep you need to breathe.

In the book 'The Way Of The Superior Man' it states that you must breathe down the front. There's a whole chapter dedicated to explaining this.

Most men breathe shallowly, and from their chest, and that is not a good way to breathe.

The optimal way of breathing is in with your nose, and nose only.

You are a fat pig if you are breathing through your mouth. Even at night.

Breathe into your nose, and enlarge your stomach, push your belly out. Then exhale slowly from the nose.

You will notice a difference between your conscious levels of awareness and levels of calmness/relaxation.

Just try it out for 1 minute, and notice the difference.

This is exactly how a man should be breathing. This is how a man is supposed to be at his resting stage.

Calm and cool.

Not breathing into the chest shallowly.

The Way of The Superior Man also states that we can conquer women and the world by just breathing properly alone.

If you aren't sure whether you are breathing correctly and deeply, you should look for signs such as your balls moving.

I'm not talking BS here.

That is correct. You heard that right.

You know you will breathe fully if you feel the part under your belly button push out.

Scared to approach that girl?

Breathe into your balls instead of mouth breathing like a pig.

Anxious about an upcoming event?

Breathe into your balls fully.

Now, you probably think I'm an idiot for saying this, and I don't blame you.

However, you keep going, and you are able to breathe fully, you'll realise the numerous benefits of breathing correctly.

All of this. What you just heard above is called the 'King Breath.'

This is how a king breathes.

Do you think that a king breathes like you? A little fat pig. Hunched over, looking at your screen?


He would lean back and breathe into his fully, until his belly pushes out. Fully!

Screw your abs.

You've probably had them tucked in all day in class to get a girl's glance.

Don't be a loser.

Push your shirt out because you can breathe fully.

One extra benefit of breathing fully is that it will make you successful in all areas of life as a man.

Breathe Like A King!